A 29 Day Schedule For Completing The Quran.

We’re very close to Ramadan the month of the Qur’aan. Here is a 29 day schedule for completing the Qur’an, organised by surahs.

I have no idea who made this but found it amongst some old files, may Allāh reward the person who created this file.

The Varying Forms of Wrongful Backbiting

by Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah

There are found amongst the people those that will backbite in accordance to his gathering and his companions and his associates. Whilst his knowing that the one being backbitten is free of what it is they say – or of some of what they say. However; he sees that if he were to forbid them then the sitting will cease and the people of the sitting would become sullen with him just as they would become estranged from him. So he sees compliance with them through good social relations as well as good companionship; so when they become angered then he likewise becomes angry due to their being angered – so he takes it up with them.

Then there are those that take backbiting out into many forms. So at times it would be in the form of Religion and rectification, so he will say: ‘I am not in the habit of mentioning anyone except in good; and I neither like backbiting nor lies. However I shall inform you of his affairs.’ So He will say: ‘By Allaah – he is Miskeen (weak/pitied) – or he is a good man; however he has in him such and such.’ Or he may say: ‘let us leave off him; may Allaah forgive him and us.’ Whilst his intent is to belittle him as well as causing a wrong to his flank. Thus taking the backbiting out from the form of rectification and Religion. They seek to deceive Allaah with that just as they deceive the creation. For we have seen this and its like from them in many varying colours.

Then there are those that will elevate other than himself out of showing off – and then raise himself. So he will say: ‘If I had supplicated for so and so last night in my prayer; then there would have reached me from him such and such.’ So as to raise himself whilst putting him down with the one that may have faith in him. Or he may say: ‘so and so is dull in intelligence and has little understanding.’ So his intent is the praise of himself and establishing his awareness of him – and that he is better than him.

Likewise from them are those that are carried by envy upon backbiting; and so will gather between two ugly affairs: backbiting as well as envy. So when an individual is praised, then he will try to remove that from him through showing his deficiencies in the form of Religion and rectification – or in the form of envy and immorality and dispraise – in order to remove that from him.

Then there are those that take backbiting out into the form of mockery and play; in order to bring laughter to other than himself through his joking and his mimicry and his belittling of the one he is joking about.

Then there are those that take backbiting out into the form of amazement; so he will say: ‘I am amazed at so and so at how he does not do such and such?! And from so and so as to how he fell into such and such; and how he did such and such.’ Thus pronouncing his name during the course of his amazement.

There are those from them that show sorrow; so he will say: ‘so and so is weak/pitied, it has caused me sorrow for what has happened to him and what the outcome was for him.’ So he who hears him thinks that he has sorrow for him and that he is regretful and that his heart is covered in the attainment of recovery for him; and if it were possible then he would add to that which was with him. He may also mention him in front of his enemies so that they may profit from it. So this; and other than it is from amongst the greatest of the sicknesses of the heart as well as deceitfulness to Allaah and His creation.

From them are those that make apparent backbiting through the form of anger and disapproving something abominable. So there becomes manifest in this aspect certain things from the adornment of speech which contains fallacies. Whilst his intent was other than what he made apparent. And Allaah’s aid is sought.

Dajjal (The Anti-Christ)

Dajjaal anti-christ masih messiah end times series

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Dajjal (The Anti-Christ)
by Abu Rahmah
Research, Critical Analysis, and Commentary

This book deals with details about Dajjal, the Antichrist, including its description, appearance, emergence, trials and tribulations, and whether it is a person or a system, or both. The aim is to present the topic in a systematic and understandable manner and clarify doubts and misconceptions along the way through a study of the Hadiths [sayings of the Prophet Muhammad] and without resorting to outside matters such as theories and current affairs unless really required and explicitly in sync with the events prophesied. There is much more that can be said and connections to events from our times may be added to further elaborate on some matters but that has been refrained from, unless absolutely necessary, and the book only focuses on Hadiths and their study. Take, for example, this: greedy corporations seek to control water world over and do not consider it a human right. Such people and their policies fit right into the system of the Dajjal but this book only studies Hadiths; linking of current affairs with Hadiths is left to the reader to make on their own and if they have a clear and better picture of Hadiths free of misconceptions, myths, and legends, the analysis they make would be closer to accuracy than otherwise.

Du’aa for Finishing the Recitation of the Quraan During the Night Prayer

Shaikh Uthaimeen, may Allāh have mercy on him, was asked, “What is the ruling concerning the du’aa for finishing the recitation of the Qur’an in the night prayer in Ramadaan?”

He replied, “I don’t know of any Sunnah from the Prophet ﷺ or the Companions either connected to finishing the recitation of the Quraan during the qiyaam al-lail in Ramadaan. The most that has been narrated about that is that Anas ibn Maalik, may Allāh be pleased with him, would gather his family and supplicate when he would finish reciting the whole Qur’an, and that was not in the prayer.”

Fataawaa Arkaan al-Islaam, p. 354.


Imam Abu Hanifa Rahimaullah Was Offered The Post of Judge

a) Imam Abu Hanifa rahimaullah was offered the post of Judge, but he refused and got lashed.

b) The prayer of mercy by Imam Ahmad for Imam Abu Hanifa.

Khateeb Baghdadi said:

ذكر إرادة ابن هبيرة أبا حنيفة على ولاية القضاة وامتناع أبي حنيفة من ذلك

Ibn Habeerah wished to give Imam Abu Hanifa the post of Judge but He rejected.

Then he narrated from Ubaidullah bin Amr al Raqqi, who said:

كلم بن هبيرة أبا حنيفة أن يلي له قضاء الكوفة ، فأبَى عليه ، فضربه مائة سوط وعشرة أسواط ، في كل يوم عشرة أسواط ، وهو على الامتناع ، فلما رأى ذلك خلى سبيله.

Ibn Habeera wished to make Abu Hanifa the judge of Koofa but he refused, due to that Ibn Habeera lashed him 110 times, every day he lashed 10 times and every day he refused, then He (Ibn Habeera) left him. [Tareekh Baghdad 15/448, the Muhaqqiq dr. Bashar Awad said: The chain is authentic, and the narration after this (quoted by Khateeb) back this (statement) and makes it more powerful]

Then Khateeb narrated other narrations regarding this matter and one of that is, Ismaeel bin Salim Baghdadi said:

وكان أَحْمَد بن حنبل إذا ذكر ذلك بكى وترحم على أبي حنيفة ، وذلك بعد أن ضرب أَحْمَد

When Ahmad bin Hanbal remembered this story he would cry and say prayer of mercy for Abu Hanifa, because He (Ahmad) also went through the situation like this. (i.e. he was also lashed).

[Ibid 15/449, Dr Bashar remained silent but as he already said regarding the narration of Ubaidullah bin Amr al Raqqi that: “its chain is saheeh and the narrations after it (including the narration of Imam Ahmad) back this statement and makes it more powerful”]

There Is No Diyah For Would Be Rapist If A Woman Kills Him.

It says in al-Mughni by Ibn Qudaamah al-Hanbali: “Concerning a woman who was pursued by a man, and she killed him to protect herself, Ahmad said: ‘If she knew that he wanted [to rape] her, and she killed him to protect herself, then she is not at fault.’ Ahmad mentioned the hadeeth which al-Zuhri reported from al-Qaasim ibn Muhammad, from ‘Ubayd ibn ‘Umayr, in which it said that a man had visitors from [the tribe of] Hudhayl, and he wanted [to rape] a woman, so she threw a rock at him and killed him. ‘Umar said, ‘By Allaah, there is no diyah for him ever’ i.e., she did not have to pay the ‘blood money’ for him. If it is permissible to defend one’s money, which one can give away, then a woman defending and protecting herself and her honour which cannot be given away, is clearly more permissible than a man defending his money. If this is clear, then she is obliged to defend herself if she can, because letting someone overpower her [rape her] is haraam, and by not defending herself, she lets him overpower her.” [al-Mughni, 8/331]


A LIE OF RAFIDAH Against Ibn al Qayyim

A LIE OF RAFIDAH against Ibn al Qayyim, that He said: “Masturbation is allowed for men and women”, They have quoted that Ibn al Qayyim said:

“And if a woman had no husband and her temptation grew stronger, it is said by some of our companions that it is permissible for her to behold a ‘Akrabanj’ (which is made of leather) for her to use, or the use of cucumbers or small percussion or what is similar to that.” [Bada’i Al-Fuwa’id 4/96-97]

These are not the words of Ibn al Qayyim, rather he was quoting Ibn Aqil, and right after that He refuted this opinion by saying:

والصحيح عندي أنه لا يباح لأن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم إنما أرشد صاحب الشهوة إذا عجز عن الزواج إلى الصوم

“And the correct opinion according to us (Ibn al Qayyim) is that it is not allowed, as the Prophet (peace be upon him) advised those who have sexual urge and who were unable to marry to fast instead.” [Bada’i Al-Fuwa’id 4/97]

The Prophet peace be upon him , said: “O young people, whoever among you can marry, should marry, because it helps him lower his gaze and guard his modesty and whoever is not able to marry should fast, as fasting diminishes the sexual urge.”

Napoleon and the French Army supported and Aided Celebrations of Mawlid

It is mentioned by Herold regarding Celebration of Mawlid and Napoleon.
The Cairo notables seemed that they were not going to keep the festival. Napoleon therefore encouraged them, providing both a place and funding. Cairo celebrated for three days –sufis danced in the streets until they fell over from exhaustion, the French soldiers had fanfares and fireworks. During this time, Bonaparte was the guest of the sheikh Al Bakri. ‘In his black uniform, buttoned up to the neck, he made stark contrast with the sheikhs in their ceremonial robes, turbans, nodding to the rhythm of the verses of the Koran and telling their beads’ (Herold, J.C., Bonaparte en Egypte, 1962).
This was also mentioned in عجائب الآثار في التراجم والأخبار by Abdul Rahman Jabarti (1756 – 1825) who lived at the time of Napoleon,
He said when he was talking about the events of 1213 h the month of Rabi al Awwal, when Napolean came to Egypt.

وفيه سأل صاري العسكر عن المولد النبوي ولماذا لم يعملوه كعادتهم فاعتذر الشيخ البكري
بتعطيل الأمور وتوقف الأحوال فلم يقبل وقال لابد من ذلك وأعطى له ثلثمائة ريال فرانسا معاونة وأمر بتعلق تعاليق وأحبال وقناديل واجتمع الفرنساوية يوم المولد ولعبوا ميادينهم وضربوا طبولهم ودبادبهم وأرسل الطبلخانة الكبيرة الى بيت الشيخ البكري واستمروا يضربونها بطول النهار والليل بالبركة تحت داره وهي عبارة عن طبلات كبار مثل طبلات النوبة التركية وعدة آلات ومزامير مخلفة الأصوات مطربة وعملوا في الليل حراقة نفوط مختلفة وسواريخ تصعد في الهواء.

which roughly translated as
When the commander of army asked (Shaykh al Bakri) regarding birthday of Prophet peace be upon him, that why it has been stopped when it was your habit to celebrate? Shaykh al Bakri excused because of delaying in the matters. He did not accept his excuse and aided the shaykh with three hundred french currency saying it is must to celebrate, and ordered for fireworks and Lamps. The French gathered on the day of Mawlid and played the Tabal (The drum). And a drum was sent to the house of shaykh al Bakri and played it day and night.. That was a huge Tabal like the Nauba (a Musical instrument) made in turkey, There were other musical instruments as well and different types of fluets…. [عجائب الآثار في التراجم والأخبار under the events of 1213 h, the month of Rabi al Awwal, courtesy br Abdul Raheem Salafi]

Shaykh Saalih al Munajjid said:
During the French occupation of Egypt, Napoleon ordered that people should celebrate the Mawlid, and he donated to this project himself and attended it personally, because it entails opposing Islaamic legislation and included mixing between men and women, and is a form of following desires and committing prohibitions. (Taareekh Al-Jabarti 306/2) He established it on the grounds of corrupting people’s faith, and some of those who celebrate the Mawlid are mercenaries who are there in order to make money out of this celebration, while others are common people who imitate others and seek to fulfill their religious emotions even if it is through an innovation. [end quote]

Ignorants Are More Dearer To The Enemy Than Paid Infiltrators

Ignorants are more dearer to the enemy than paid infiltrators because the enemy will use the ignorant while he doesn’t even know. He is also more steadfast upon his falsehood, doesn’t take a wage for his work and has an affect upon people more due to his honesty.

الجهالة أحب إلى العدو من العمالة، لأن الجاهل يستخدمه العدو وهو لا يعلم، وهو أكثر ثباتا على باطله ولا يأخذ أجر عمالته، ويؤثر في الناس لصدقه